General Info

Here is a list provided by Excavation nations on notable sources for further learning. Each image provides a link to their respective text’s website. Please enjoy! Reach out if you would like to recommend more.


“Archaeology is a bimonthly publication devoted to the field of archaeology that is meant for the general public. The magazine mainly publishes news related to the field, as well as features on important discoveries that have been made by archaeologists in the past” – Archaeology Magazine

I’ve personally been reading Archaeology Magazine since fall 2020. Every issues is well crafted and offers thought provoking author’s note. Great literature for anyone interested in archaeology. 

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Society for American archaeology – archaeological record MAGAZINE

“Launched in January 2001, The SAA Archaeological Record is issued five times a year. It is a four-color magazine encompassing SAA business, commentary, news, regular columns, opinions, and articles.” – SAA Magazine

SAA also produces a number of other quality publications including various books and quarterly journals such as “American Antiquity”. I’ve personally only read a couple issues. They are certainly packed to the brim with professional materials and interests. High quality photography and well put together pages. 

Parts of SAA require payment


The Smithsonian magazine

Smithsonian magazine places a Smithsonian lens on the world, looking at the topics and subject matters researched, studied and exhibited by the Smithsonian Institution—science, history, art, popular culture and innovation—and chronicling them every day for our diverse readership.

Although the Smithsonian Magazine doesn’t have exclusively archaeological material, many of the issues have archaeological content. Readers can also search for specific content on the Smithsonian Magazine website under “archeology”.