Another way in which we were able to explore beyond the scope of our fieldwork was by visiting Cahokia where we trekked an elaborate mound ten stories high. While hiking, we saw different physical levels of the mound and holes where ancient structures were once rooted to the ground, allowing us to imagine the complex planning and infrastructure that Mississippian peoples once created. Through this visit, I gained enhanced awe and engagement with the culture I was studying and felt that I was able to witness a vast culture’s tangible legacy. Along with searching a nearby creek for chert pieces with buddies, this visit was certainly one of the most enjoyable moments of my field experience.

The Center for American Archaeology Field school impressed me with its great emphasis on community learning, apprenticeship, and the archaeological process from a perspective far more concrete than my prior online experiences. From the genuine personalities of the people I worked with to the physical archaeological work that made my readings more meaningful, I feel that I've truly gained a greater grasp of the field. After missing so many opportunities to work in person due to Covid-19, I am glad to have finally found an opportunity to pursue fieldwork. I look forward to continuing to contribute to and explore the field of archaeology physically.